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2023 Beauty Trends: In-Beauty and the rise of mindful skincare 2023 Beauty Trends: In-Beauty and the rise of mindful skincare

2023 Beauty Trends: In-Beauty and the rise of mindful skincare

If you follow beauty and wellness trends over the last few years, you’ve likely seen the emergence of movements like Slow Beauty and even Natural Beauty which both emphasize simplicity of ingredients, clean formulas, super easy routines and a minimalistic approach to makeup. With more awareness building around Ayurveda, a new trend we will see reach more prominence in the near future is In-Beauty, a name coined for the trend’s Indian roots. This movement has already been making strides in the beauty community with the likes of Meghan Asha, CEO of Foundermade, claiming it as the next big thing. Taking cues from its Ayurvedic origins, In-Beauty focuses on clean formulas full of herbs and botanicals. It’s a mind-body-soul approach to skincare that’s equal parts beauty, wellness, and mental health.

Beauty starts within

The In-Beauty trend focuses on the Ayurvedic principle of balance which tells us that the state of our outer physical body is a reflection of our mental and emotional state as well as of the health of our inner physical body. Your diet and mental health practices are reflected in your skin. 

Balanced nutrition, regular exercise, practices that help us cope with stress and ample rest all factor into how smooth, radiant and youthful our skin looks. No matter how potent or groundbreaking the ingredients are, topical treatments typically only work on the surface level. It’s our lifestyle choices that ultimately determine how gracefully we age. 

Happy thoughts make us radiant, which is why the beauty industry has been paying more attention to products that support mental health and enhance overall mood. In-Beauty pulls from the Ayurvedic focus on skincare as a multifaceted practice that not only benefits the skin through quality ingredients, but also the mind and spirit through rituals that incorporate mindfulness. It’s a trend that is becoming appealing more now than ever before as people look for ways to balance their lives in different ways. Taking time to incorporate mindfulness into what could otherwise be thought of as a mundane everyday routine really heightens the experience and turns even the simple act of washing our face and applying moisturizer into a luxury. It’s all about romanticizing the simple moments and finding gratitude in the smallest things - an act which can have positive overarching effects in other areas of our lives.

How is Ayurveda incorporated in In-Beauty?

AVYA Anti-Aging Power SerumPhilosophies and practices of Ayurveda, “the science of life” that originated in India over 5000 years ago, are at the center of the In-Beauty movement. For thousands of years, people in India have been using ingredients derived from nature to prevent and cure diseases including ailments of the skin. 

Ayurveda is a true science that attributes mental, spiritual, and dietary imbalances as the root causes of many health issues. This science promotes balance in all areas of life and suggests that our physical health is intertwined with our mind and spirit. To learn more about this full body approach to self-care, read our blog post on Achieving Balance in Your Daily Life.

In-Beauty, or Indian Beauty, focuses largely on a balancing skincare routine incorporating elements/concepts of Ayurveda and other Indian beauty rituals to overall skincare and beauty. Products based on this approach are formulated with nutrient-rich botanicals, medicinal herbs and healing spices that have been used for thousands of years.

AVYA and In-Beauty

AVYA Skincare uses ayurvedic ingredients, special curated by their founderOur founder, Deepika Vyas, has been incorporating Ayurvedic principles in her daily routine throughout her life. “What really inspired me to create AVYA is when I was in my early 20’s and really getting serious about my skincare. I started buying all these wonderful big brands and they irritated my skin and it was very frustrating for me. Years later, I became a pharmacist and started doing research into ingredients. Serendipitously, my nephew, Dr. Nakra, trained as a cosmetic surgeon. We talked about it and we felt there was really a need for us to try and create a line that was efficacious, but that also brought in the ancient wisdom and ingredients of Ayurveda to address skincare concerns that legacy brands had not created products for.”

At AVYA, our products are deeply rooted in the science of Ayurveda. We combine only the best, time-tested, Ayurvedic botanicals with medical-grade actives and the latest advances in skincare technology to create gentle yet effective products that heal, nourish, and prevent skin damage and premature signs of aging. All of our products fit into a daily routine, providing skin with nourishment from the outside in.